Welcome HCF Alums - it’s DMA! Join the chat now and let’s check in! Be sure to RSVP for the 1st Korgi Connector on May 4!
Thank you DMA, happy to be here!
Hi, DMA! So, excited to be part of the GREAT HCF community!
We’ve come a long way since that dinner!
And we’re happy to have you!
Morning to you, Stephan!
Hello DMA + All! Thank you for the invite. Excited to be here!
Welcome to Korgi Connect! Excited to hear what you’re working towards next, and please RSVP to the upcoming Connector if you haven’t already!
Morning, all, and Happy Friday! I will be happily working this weekend. Here before my morning meeting if I can help move your needle forward today.
Thank you for the invite to the community.
So glad you joined, thanks - I’m excited to continue connecting with everyone on our “virtual rooftop”
I’ve landed
Welcome aboard!!
Hello, hello! Thanks for the invite! Looking forward to updates! Be well!